Dialect has a new podcast!
Featuring chats and readings from acclaimed novelists Mahsuda Snaith and Melanie Golding, poets Fiona Benson and Pascale Petit and the talented emerging writers who won their places on the scheme: Sarah Hemings, Keely O'Shaughnessy, Kate Keogan and Audrey Healey.
In the last blog post for her digital residency, Hannah Persaud reflects on writing when the words won’t come… at first.
This Is Your Time
Poet Sarah Hemings shares some of her top tips from a few months of mentoring with Fiona Benson on the Dialect x Arts Council scheme
Lucy is Leaving … and so am I, for now
Writer in residence Stephen Connolly shares his latest radio play and waves farewell to Dialect… for now
Wild Tracks and Paddleboarding
Intrepid writer in residence Stephen Connolly ventures out to explore Lake 32 by paddleboard …
Well Dressing
Stephen Connolly begins his third and final month’s residency on the lake in Cotswold Water Park.
Code Red for Humanity
Writer in Residence Jacqui Stearn on the contradiction of driving to the lake in search of ecopoetic inspiration and facing in to the climate emergency
Writing in the Fragile Edges of a Time
“I roll from job to job, hand to mouth, living in one of the few rentals left in my neighbourhood. It’s not really big enough for me and my two teenage boys but we manage. We wonder how long it will last until the landlord decides to cash in, maybe next month, maybe never, you just don’t know for sure.”
Heavy Weather
From our Arts Council mentoring scheme, Kate Keogan blogs on finalising her poetry pamphlet and the editorial practices that can make it so hard for ‘new voices’ to get heard …
DIRT Publishing x BBC Radio Gloucestershire
JLM Morton chats to Jon Smith on BBC Radio Glos, all about DIRT, our new venture into indie publishing, and how we’re trying to reduce isolation for rural writers.
#indiepublishing #poetry #radio #writingcommunity
Wordsworth Write-Walk
Wordsworth dated his Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour the 13th July 1798 and this year, on the same date, we walked in his footsteps. Philip Rush looks back at this recent extreme writing workshop.
Pamphlet Purgatory
From our Arts Council mentoring scheme, Kate Keogan blogs on accountability and showing up at the page.
Letting Go
Dialect mentee Audrey Healy on realising that the best thing she could do for her writing might be to let her novel go …
Poetry and the Art of Journaling
Poet Diana Humphrey on her experience of two recent Dialect poetry courses
As I swam out one midsummer morning
Post-pandemic, I had resolved to say “yes” to opportunities. Next step: borrow a wetsuit … travel writer Deborah Gray on joining a Dialect Swim-Write Workshop
Beware Strong Currents
Kate Thomas, a participant on one of our recent Swim-Writes on the Thames in June 2021 produced this stunning poetry film in response to our workshop.