A community storytelling event at the Prince Albert pub, Rodborough Hill, Stroud GL5 3SS
A community storytelling event with a twist, where you, the community, are the storytellers, telling true tales from your own life. Hosted by local writer Alun Hughes, up to ten true stories, up to five minutes long from ten brave hearted and generous members of The Prince Albert and surrounding area’s community will step up to the mic and tell their tales loosely based around a theme. Very loosely indeed!
For this Swing the Lantern debut at the extraordinary Prince Albert and, with a week until Samhain/ Halloween, the evening’s theme will be…
‘Darkness and the Veils Between the Worlds’
If you would like to be a Swing the Lantern pioneer, step up to the mic with a true tale of your own to share, with a community of avid listeners and other tellers, please contact Alun as soon as on...
image credit: Juan Felipe Ramirez